If you search Craigslist for computer help, you will find dozens of ads for people only too willing to help out with your troubles, myself included.
What concerns me is when I see an ad that says "Hi, I am an experienced computer person, but I dont want to tell you who I am, give you any sense I really might know what I am doing or give you any actual contact information." The ads dont actually say that, of course; but it is the sense one gets from reading them.
It is quite possible that I get this sense only because they are competing with me for business, but I dont think so. I am quite happy to share the large customer base around here, but... I would prefer that people selling a service to people who may not know any better at least provide a phone number, if not an email address and a website address, instead of using Craigslists anonymous email system.
How does anyone know that this anonymous person on Craigslist is who they claim to be if the only contact is through an anonymous email?
I know, I am just being paranoid, but it still bugs me. Am I right to be this concerned, or not?
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