Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fake security software

In the last year, I have been seeing an increase in the number of computers infected with fake anti-virus and anti-spyware programs.

How do you tell if you have one of these? The tell-tale signs are easy to spot:
1) It suddenly appears and you have no memory of installing it.
2) It has a name that starts with "Win"-something. This doesnt include Windows Defender, not because it is a Microsoft program, but because it spells out "windows".
Fake programs only use "win", like WinAntivirus 2008.
3) You get a little yellow balloon pop-up that says "You have "x" number of infections. Click here to fix." (Where x is a number.)

What you can do about it (aside from calling me) is restart into Safe Mode and then run your AV program.
And of course, use Firefox.

How to talk to computer people

Biznik has a great post on several general ways to communicate with computer people.

The article contains several ways to communicate with technical people, especially IT and computer repair people.
However, the author is not a technical person and she over-generalizes in a couple of places; but, it still a good article to read if you have ever been frustrated trying to communicate with a computer person or IT staff. (This does not include Indian help-desk staff.)

Check it out!

Monday, August 11, 2008

When your network doesnt work

Make sure the modem and router are turned on.
Which boxes are the modem and router? Normally they are the ones with the "blinky" lights, the modem is the one with the phone cord or TV-like cable going into it; and the router is the box with the antennas on it.

Make sure the cables are tightly connected.
If any of the cables, especially the ones that look like fat, round telephone cords, are loose in the plugs-ins unplug them and re-plug them in making sure of a tight fight. The fat phone-like cords(which are called "network" or "Ethernet" cables) should make a soft "click when they are plugged in properly.
If the plugs are loose on the end of the cable, replace the cable.

If you right-click on the network icon and click on Properties and the dialog box says there is no "IP address" or "DNS server", you will need to unplug the power cord from your router, wait thirty seconds, plug it back in, wait for the lights to settle down(about a minute or so) and that should fix the problem.

When in doubt(and Windows says "No Connection"), unplug the router (or the modem if you have no router) first and then try the other suggestions.

Make sure when you plug you network cable back in, you plug it into the plug you took it of of!

If none of this works, your problem needs my attention; call me.

Ed Foster -Consumer Advocate

Last week, Ed Foster died unexpectedly at his home. Ed has been a tireless advocate for consumer rights against corporations, governments and absurd regulations and practices of all sorts.

His website, the GripeLog(at, was a never-ending list of stories about corporate abuse of their customers and of people gripes with stupid rules that were never written clearly or enforced evenly.

His son has agreed to continue the website, and Ed's column the GripeLog.

With corporate stupidity and downright carelessness ever increasing, Ed's sage advice and consumer advocacy will be sorely missed.

Ed will be missed.